Oils That Help Neuropathy

Omega 3 and Neuropathy

Peripheral nerves can take 1-2 years to heal, and it is crucial to consume the appropriate oils to ensure optimum healing rate. Consuming the wrong oils can slow down the healing process of your nerves. Good oils have multiple benefits, such as providing satiety after a meal. Today we will learn which oils are best … Read more

Oils That Harm Nerves

Omega oils and neuropathy.

Animal fats have a lower shelf life. This is why vegetable oil was created in the first place. The oil before it known as vegetable oil was used to lube up machines and was invented in the early 1900s during the Industrial Revolution by Procter and Gamble. That is why vegetable oil was created. Vegetable … Read more

Berberine And Neuropathy

Berberine and Neuropathy.

Welcome back! Today’s post will focus on a compound that may inspire home for us to suffer, This compound goes by the name of Berberine and has been used for a long time in traditional Chinese medicine(TCM). If berberine can benefit our condition as well as the other benefits it is said to have. Let’s … Read more

Sugar And Neuropathy

Neuropathy and Sugar

Welcome back, neuropathy warriors! What is the taste that many adults love the most in this world? Which taste do you link to bright colors and joy? In today’s post, we are looking at that magical white powder and how it can damage our nerves and cause peripheral neuropathy if not consumed in moderation. Ready, … Read more

Compression Socks And Peripheral Neuropathy

Neuropathy and Compression socks.

Today’s topic may seem a bit odd. I mean, what is the first thing you think of when you think of socks? X’mas stocking? That birthday gift you didn’t want, but probably needed? A sweating workout at the gym? Well, will learn in this article how a certain pair of socks just be the gift … Read more

Exploring The Overlapping Symptoms: Understanding The Connection Between MS And Neuropathy

MS and neuropathy.

  In today’s post, we will do our best to clear up the confusion many peripheral neuropathy sufferers come across when finally understanding that they have some form of neuropathy. Myself included. It is not easy to come to terms with what is going on and most people don’t know enough about it to help … Read more

Unveiling the Link: Alcohol’s Impact on Neuropathy and Nerve Damage

Alcohol and Neuropathy.

Today we will look at how this little party performer is in almost every culture worldwide. has been around for roughly 9000 years and one of the first places it was found was in China. Unlike us, they used honey, rice, and fruit to create their alcohol. That combination sounds like Saki (Japanese wine) doesn’t … Read more

The Power of Exercise in Neuropathy Management: Supporting Nerve Health

Exercise and neuropathy.

What’s our topic for today? It makes us sweat but many people across the globe dedicate a significant part of their week and life to it. That’s right, today we are talking about exercise, which is a New Year’s resolution that often fizzles out after a few weeks. However, exercise can help alleviate peripheral neuropathy. … Read more

Unlocking the Link: Vitamin Deficiency and Neuropathy – Essential Insights for Nerve Health

Vitamin deficiency And Neuropathy.

I like the old-style video games where you had to pick an apple or meat to replenish your health. There was a lesson to be talk in those games for small kids and adults too. 🙂 Today’s topic is about what happens when you don’t listen to those lessons from your parents, teachers, and video … Read more